



Please read fully before booking on a retreat or event, you must agree to these terms and conditions before entering in to a contract with us

You will receive standard information about your package arrangements and details of their main characteristics before a binding agreement between you and us come into existence. That information, these conditions together with our Privacy Policy and any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with us. Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. By making a booking, you agree to be bound by all of the following:
1. You will enter into a binding contract with us when we issue our confirmation invoice. If you then cancel your arrangements, you will be required to pay cancellation charges. Initially, this will be the deposit you paid to secure your arrangements, but after you’ve paid the balance of the price of your arrangements, these charges could increase up to 100% of the cost of the holiday; 2. You can make changes to your confirmed arrangements in certain circumstances. We will make a charge for processing these changes; 3. Although we will endeavour not to, we may have to make changes to and cancel your confirmed arrangements but we will provide suitable alternatives and pay you compensation in certain circumstances if we do so; 4. We are responsible for making sure your confirmed arrangements are not performed negligently but there are some limits on and exceptions to this. Our agreement becomes binding when we issue a confirmation email and the first deposit invoice is paid. Please check all details on the confirmation (or any other document issued) immediately on receipt. It may not be possible to make changes to your arrangements later so you should notify us of any inaccuracies in any documentation within ten days of our sending it out.
You must make payment for your arrangements in timeframe that we require them. We will require a minimum £200 (non-refundable) deposit before we issue our confirmation.  Balance payments are not due until 8 weeks prior to the event (Friday 26th April 2024), although you may pay in instalments up to this date. We will confirm your particular payment terms on booking. If we do not receive any payment due in full and on time, we reserve the right to treat your booking as cancelled by you in which case the cancellation charges set out below will become payable. In the case of international payments, you must ensure that we receive the full GBP Sterling amount. You will be responsible for all bank charges, withholding taxes, and exchange rate fluctuations.  Early Bird bookings will receive a £25 discount on listed prices, and this offer is valid up to the 16th February 2024
It is a condition of our agreement that you are covered by adequate travel insurance for your arrangements. Such insurance as a minimum must cover your losses sustained as a result of a cancellation, medical issues, and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. Details of a policy suitable to cover your arrangements are available by contacting a variety of travel insurers. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any of your losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.
Special requests relating to your arrangements must be advised to us at the time of booking and confirmed to us in writing. Whilst we will try to meet or arrange your reasonable special requests, we cannot guarantee that they will be fulfilled. Please note that if you have any dietary requirements, and in particular allergies, it is your responsibility to let us know in advance (see Health, Disabilities and Medical Problems clause). 
It is your responsibility to inform us of any health issues, disabilities and medical problems that you are experiencing. We will do our best to accommodate and help you but it is your responsibility to maintain these whilst you are staying with us. Please ensure you have adequate medical travel insurance to cover your specific condition and is suitable for the area / location of travel. You understand that yoga activities can be physically demanding. We will give you information about whether the arrangements you have chosen are generally suitable for persons with reduced mobility but if you or any member of your party has any precise medical problem or disability which may affect your chosen arrangements, please provide us with full details before we issue our confirmation. We will only provide precise information on the suitability of the trip or holiday taking into account your needs if you specifically request us to do so.
The weekend will include sound bath sessions. Please note the following information about those sessions. As a precaution, it is not recommended that you take part in a sound healing session in the following circumstances: If you are within the first three months of pregnancy If you have epilepsy or experience seizures of any kind If you have any unmanaged mental health issues such as PTSD, personality disorder or schizophrenia. Generalised stress and anxiety or depression to not exclude you from attending) If you are fitted with a pacemaker or have a heart condition If you are intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs In the following circumstances, please speak to me before participating: If you have any metal implants, or have had recent surgery, broken bones or other major physical injuries If you suffer from, or have in the past suffered from tinnitus or any other condition which could be triggered by sound If you are currently, or have previously, attended counselling or psychotherapy sessions
If you wish to make any changes to your arrangements after they have been confirmed, including if you wish to cancel all or some of them, you must inform us in writing as soon as possible. Your notice requesting a change or cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by us and will be effective from the date on which we receive it. We can’t guarantee that changes can be met, although we will do our best to assist. We may incur charges for empty rooms or last-minute cancellations and so we are only covering our own costs by charging you cancellation fees. We will try to reschedule and fill the place to avoid charges but this is not always possible - especially short notice. In situations where we are unable to assist with making a requested change, and you do not wish to proceed with the original booking we will treat this as a cancellation by you. You may cancel any package arrangements prior to their commencement (following the process outlined above) in the event that i) circumstances amounting to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances (as set out in the clause concerning ‘Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances’) are occurring at the place where your arrangements are due to be performed or its immediate vicinity and; ii) if the performance of your arrangements will be significantly affected by those unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances. In this event, you will receive a refund without undue delay of any payments made but this the maximum extent of our liability and we regret we cannot meet any other expenses or losses you may incur as a result. If your arrangements are a package and if any member of your party is prevented from travelling, that person(s) may transfer their place to someone else (introduced by you and satisfying all the conditions applicable to the arrangements, including an agreement to these booking conditions) providing we are notified in writing not less than seven days before departure and you pay an amendment fee and meet all costs and charges incurred by us. Both you and the person to whom you would like to transfer your arrangements shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of any balance due and for any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer. If you are unable to find a replacement, cancellation charges as set out below will apply in order to cover our estimated costs. Otherwise, no refunds will be given for passengers not travelling or for unused services. 
In the event of a cancellation, you will have to pay the applicable cancellation charges up to the maximum shown below (The cancellation charge detailed is calculated on the basis of the total cost payable by the person(s) cancelling excluding insurance premiums and amendment charges which are not refundable in the event of the person(s) to whom they apply cancelling):- More than 56 days before the first day of your retreat – deposit only More than 35 days before the first day of your retreat – 60% of the total cost of your holiday. More than 21 days before the first day of your retreat – 80% of the total cost of your holiday. 21 days or less – 100% of the total cost of your holiday.
In the event we can meet your requested change, you will have to pay £25 per alteration per person per change as well as any applicable rate changes or extra costs incurred as well as any costs incurred by ourselves. Amendments include: changing number of guests (reduction or addition), a retreat location, retreat date change and guest details (this is not an exhaustive list and there may be other amendments which incur a £25 administration fee) and if the change is within the cancellation terms above. Requests for amendments must be made at least 6 weeks before the start date of the retreat. If we are unable to make alterations as you requested (for example due to other retreat being booked up, or we are unable to sell your space) and you do not wish to continue with the booking then our cancellation charges (above) apply.
Where we refer to a ‘price reduction’ in this clause, we mean that we will give you an appropriate reduction in the price you paid for the arrangements affected for any period during which there was lack of conformity, (unless that lack of conformity is attributable to you). Where we refer to ‘compensation’, we will pay you appropriate compensation without undue delay for any damage which you sustain as a result of any lack of conformity subject to the limitations and exclusions listed below.
Most changes will be insignificant and we reserve the right to make them. If we make an insignificant change to the main characteristics of any package arrangements, we will try to notify the change to you as soon as reasonably possible before your departure but we will not notify you about any other insignificant change. Changes to the staff team do happen due to person circumstances and illness. Changes in the team will be classed as insignificant change to schedule. Occasionally, we have to make a significant change and we reserve the right to do so. A significant change is one where we significantly alter any of the main characteristics of your confirmed arrangements, such as the venue. If we have to make a significant change or cancel before departure, we will inform you without undue delay and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of the following options:- Options on change or cancellation i) (for significant changes) agreeing to the changed arrangements, ii) accepting the cancellation or terminating the contract for the arrangements and receiving a refund (without undue delay) of all monies paid; or iii) accepting an offer of alternative arrangements of comparable standard from us, if available. (In the event that any proposed change or alternative offered results in a reduction or increase in the price you have agreed to pay or an increase or decrease in the quality of arrangements we have agreed to provide, we will also notify you of any price reduction or additional amount due). You must notify us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. If you fail to do so, we will contact you again, re-iterating the above choices and sums payable or refundable and if you again fail to respond within 7 days, we may terminate the contract and refund all payments made by you without undue delay. The compensation that we offer does not exclude you from claiming more if you are entitled to do so. We will not pay you compensation where:- i) we make a significant change or cancel before you have paid the final balance of the cost of your arrangements; ii) we make a significant change or cancel as a result of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances as set out in the clause concerning ‘Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances’; iii) we cancel your arrangements no later than 20 days before they are due to start because the minimum number of participants to run them has not been reached. We will not make a price reduction or pay you compensation, and the above options will not be available where:- i) we make an insignificant change; ii) we cancel as a result of any failure by you (including a failure to make payment in accordance with these terms); iii) where the change(s) or cancellation by us arises out of alterations to the confirmed booking requested by you.
If we become unable to provide a significant proportion of your package arrangements after you have departed, we will try to offer you suitable alternative arrangements of, where possible, equivalent or higher quality than those specified in the contract. If the alternative arrangements we make are of a lower quality than those you originally booked, we will make a price reduction. You may reject the proposed alternative arrangements only if they are not comparable to what we originally promised to provide or if the price reduction we offer is inadequate. Where we are unable to make suitable alternative arrangements or you reject the proposed alternative arrangements in accordance with this clause, where appropriate and only where your arrangements are a package, we will pay you compensation subject to section B of clause 12. The above sets out the maximum extent of our liability for changes and cancellations and we regret we cannot meet any other expenses or losses you may incur as a result of any change or cancellation.
Except where otherwise expressly stated in these booking conditions we will not be liable or pay you a price reduction or compensation if our contractual obligations to you are affected by unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the party who seeks to rely on them which we or the supplier(s) of the service(s) in question could not avoid even if all reasonable measures had been taken. These events can include but are not limited to war, the threat of war, civil strife, terrorist activity and its consequences or the threat of such activity, riot, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, pandemics or epidemics, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster and adverse weather, sea, ice and river conditions and all similar events outside our or the supplier(s) control.
If you experience difficulty during your retreat or holiday, please inform us without undue delay so that we can take steps to assist you or put things right. We cannot accept any liability whatsoever if we are not informed immediately, of any problem during your stay, in order to give our retreat team the opportunity to remedy the issues raised. If, after the issues raised have not been remedied, you should contact us by emailing info@angelasmiththerapy.com and put in writing the reasons for your complaint. We will reply within 28 days of receiving your complaint following our due diligence in looking into the detail of the complaint to enable us to give you an adequate reply that is fair and reasonable. If your complaint remains unresolved and you wish to complain further, please send formal written notice of your complaint to us within 28 days of the end of your arrangements, giving your invoice number and all other relevant information. Failure to follow the procedure set out in this clause may affect ours and the applicable supplier’s ability to investigate your complaint, and could affect your rights under our agreement.
If in our reasonable belief or opinion or in the reasonable belief or opinion of any person in authority, your behaviour is jeopardising the safety of people or property therein or good order and discipline; or is causing or is likely to cause distress, danger, damage or annoyance to any third party or property, or your behaviour is upsetting to other guests, we reserve the right to terminate your arrangements immediately. In the event of such termination, our responsibilities to you will cease and you will be required to leave your accommodation or another service immediately. We will have no further obligations to you and will not meet any expenses, costs or losses incurred as a result. You may also be required to pay for loss and/or damage caused by your actions directly to the applicable supplier prior to departure from the service. If you fail to do so, you will be responsible for meeting any claims and costs subsequently made against us as a result.
Sadly, we cannot be held responsible for any theft or loss of personal possessions from our premises. Please think carefully about what you need to bring with you for the retreat, and leave valuables at home where possible. There is a safe at Patrick Brompton Hall, and you may deposit valuables if necessary. We will do our utmost to ensure the security of guests’ personal possessions, but we cannot guarantee it. It is up to each participant to ensure the safety of all their own personal possessions, documents and equipment. No responsibility or liability is or will be accepted in respect of such items. All clients should ensure their health and possessions are covered by personal travel insurance.
We take the data privacy of our guests very seriously and are committed to abiding by the associated governing laws. Angela Smith Therapy is registered with the ICO. We may take photos on the retreat and will ask each participant if they mind pictures of them being used. If anyone objects then they just have to let us know and we shall remove the image(s). If you do not wish any images of you to be displayed on social media then just let us know (in writing preferably) and we shall ensure that you do not feature on promotional images.

I’m here to help

If you have further questions, or just wish to discuss your needs then please get in touch.

Angela Smith Therapy

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Contact Me

2 Slingsby Gardens, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 8JW

Tel: 07771 173 430


All content ©Angela Smith Therapy 2024 – Designed & Managed by Chapeau! Chapeau!